100 Days of blogging to earn money online
100 Days of blogging to earn money online
I did 100 Days of blogging to earn money online and here’s what happened…
First of all, let me explain real quick. In December 2022 on my instagram I expressed wanting to build my second blog brand. I meant to take my little lifestyle brand to the next level. But then the Hustler’s Blog Challenge was born!
A lot of you on instagram wanted to do the same! Working on blogs, creating income streams, digital products and getting monetized! I realized that the first brand I should build up for this challenge, was this one. Penny on Fire was growing.
Hustler’s Blog Challenge
The Hustler’s Blog Challenge was born, to gather the community around our shared goals. We quickly reached 80+ people in our Discord group and I’ve had so many great conversations there and in my DMs too.
During these last 100 days of blogging, I’ve seen so many people on my instagram feed launch their blogs and products. It’s been so inspiring!
Before the challenge
When all of a sudden there was a whole community asking for my experiences and insights, it propelled me into launching my blog. I actually started early, launched my website and made my digital product available the day before the start of the challenge.
The Workbook is born
That way, everyone who wanted to, could benefit from my blueprint of how I planned to monetize my blog in just 100 days. Basically, The Hustlers Blog Challenge Workbook includes 100 tasks of about 5-30 minutes each as well as worksheets.
100 days of blogging – the results
As mentioned, I did start a little early to have the workbook out in time for the challenge. But overall, I’ve followed the tasks in the task list 1:1 (not in order all the way though). These are some of my key results and takeaways:
- More followers on instagram
- A fully formed blog with 15 blogposts published/scheduled
- A webshop with 1 digital product
- 18 sales
- Monetized with Google Ads and 1 affiliate program
- 1,577 blogviews
- 80+ people in the community on Discord
- 100 days of dedicated tasks completed
So how long does it take to get your blog monetized?
It obviously depends on how fast you work and how easy or difficult a certain task is for you. But at the end of the day, I’ve proven to myself that my blueprint with setting aside 5-30 minutes a day for 100 days, could get me there.
I’m very proud, but also kind of touched, to have completed this challenge. It’s a big thing for me to prove to myself that what I do works when I put in the work, and that others see the value in it too.
I’m excited to see it all grow from here and take Penny on Fire to the next level!
I also can’t wait to see what everyone else created, and see more people start their journey of The Hustlers Blog Challenge.
You only need 5-30 minutes a day to build your next dream – so what are you waiting for? 😉